Director Local Bodies Kumar Pal Gautam has simplified the process of a getting patta of property.
In an order, Gautam has fixed 15 days' time to clear the file for chairman of Mayor of respective local bodies thereby ruling out any undue delay due to vested interests.
“If the chairman doesn't clear the file within the given timeframe, the file will directed to deputy director of the region. The officer then after due examining the file will issue patta of found suitable,” the order says.
What was the need of this order?
Gautam, who has been appointed as Director local bodies, recently saw unexplainable pendency in issuance of pattas. In the case of controversial Mayor Munesh Gurjar of Jaipur Heritage Municipal Corporation, it was found that the husband of the Mayor had withheld many such proposals of patta due to vested interest. The undue delays have caused reasonable harm to ‘Prasashan Shaharon Ki Ore' campaign.
“The government then decided to expedite the process of patta issuance,” said a senior DLB officer.
The format of patta also been made simple
The government has made the patta format simple removing the photograph of then chief minister. The campaign was launched in 2021.
Then there used to have photographs of chief minister and beneficiary and a logo on the patta.
“Now there will be no photo chief minister and logo on the patta. It will only have detail and photograph of the owner,” the official said.

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